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Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


The Orpailleur team is member of the BioProLor consortium composed of 5 enterprises and 7 academic research teams. This consortium is funded for 2 years (2010-2012) by the AME (“Agence pour la Mobilisation Economique”). The objective of BioProLor is the design of a production filière for compounds with high added-value which originate from plants in Lorraine. The Orpailleur team and the associated start-up “Harmonic Pharma” are in charge of the computational aspects of this research work.

In addition, a CIFRE contract (2009-2012) was set up with Harmonic Pharma for funding the thesis of Emmanuel Bresso on the following subject: “Organisation et exploitation des connaissances sur les réseaux d'interactions biomoléculaires pour l'identification de gènes candidats et la caractérisation de profils d'effets secondaires de principes actifs”.

Contrat Plan État Région” (CPER)

The links between the Regional Administration and LORIA are materialized through an administrative contract called “Contrat Plan État Région” (CPER) running from 2007 to 2013. The associated scientific program is called “Modélisations, informations et systèmes numériques” (MISN) and includes two tracks in which the Orpailleur team is involved.